Difficult. Cool cutscene.
Difficult. Cool cutscene.
Great concept. Seems a bit too reliant on built-up momentum to me, but that's about it
3D in Scratch? Impressive.
Small map.
Tutorial things are a bit hard to access.
You move so slowly! Outside of slowness pretty nice. Questionable balance(the mountain is really hard while the fish pond is just a heart farm). Nice art
Why the hell is this rated T and not M or A.
The full game will be rated M or A. For purposes of the demo, where there are no H scenes or nudity, we decided to rate it T. Sorry for any misunderstanding this might've caused.
It is?
Is it?
Music is fine, though not credited, weak animation. Good art direction. Simple gameplay.
There seems to be some issue where the ghosts freeze up for a longer time or something I dunno.
I have occasionally seen where an enemy's vulnerable mode ends but the sprite doesn't change. It's very rare and I haven't been able to figure out why. Not sure if that's what you meant. Also, the vulnerable timer gets shorter each course, so it's pretty long at the beginning.
I consoom games in the "Under Judgement" section and sometimes something of quality. 8BitAnt and ZabuJard fan.
I feel an urge to justify each of my ratings with a comment, so sorry if some of my comments were inaccurate.
Age 23
Joined on 9/13/19